TJABBA TJENA O' TJAAH! daaamn my name is Amina and im 13 years old! Uhmm.. more informations?? ahah just kiddiing -.- uhm.. i live with my family.. we are 4 kids then mum and dad! my big sisters name is Amira and then my big brother and his name is Ahmed then my little beautiful brother Mohammed. WE have animal.. its fish.. many.. HAAH.. anyway.. my hobby is sitttiing with maah lovely computer! IM ALWAYS ONLINE ON STARDOLL! ^^ LÖÖLZ! muslim like you can see and uhmm.. i belive in god! Allah!
I LOVE MUSSIIIC!! YAOU! <3 yess its something about me and mah family! damn,, BAJJ BAJJ BITCH! ^^
i just wanna tell that i love my friends so much<3 and you know who you are! i can say that its 3 beautiful girls!! ^.^ i hope i could meet you guys now.. im still thinking about you my darlings i wish you were here.. puzzi puzzi se ya next week bye bye~~^^ =]] =P
Love ya' 2 <33 :**